Friday, October 3, 2014

Walk to School Day - October 8
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Underwood Elementary School

The Underwood Elementary Wellness Committee encourages kids and parents to participate in international Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 8th. The first 100 kids walking to school and checking in with our greeters will receive a special gift and a great start to the day!
Parents should walk with their students from their homes where possible. You may also park-n-walk from surrounding neighborhood streets or the Hayes Barton Baptist Church parking lot on Whitaker Mill Rd. (see map below)
Follow these tips for a safe and fun walk:
  1. Scope out your walking route ahead of time to plan for travel time and safety.
  2. Plan a "walking school bus" with your friends.
  3. Always cross at crosswalks or intersections, and follow sidewalks or low-traffic streets.
  4. If you cross busy roads on your route, look for crossing guards to assist with traffic.
  5. Park-n-walkers should park at least a couple blocks away from the school to reduce traffic impact. Park right wheel to the curb, and don't block driveways or fire zones.
  6. Tell your child’s teacher and bus driver about any travel changes to or from school on October 8.
  7. Arrive at the school by 9am to sign-in and receive your gift bag.
  8. Sign-in at tables near the Garden by the K-1 hallway.
  9. Have fun!

Do you and your children want to help? 
We can't do it without our great volunteers. It'll be fun, quick and easy to walk to your volunteer position. All volunteer needs are from 8:20-9:15am, Wednesday, Oct. 8th. Please sign up on the PTA Memberhub under SignUps so we can make this a fun and safe event for our families:

Questions? Email Beth Hardison at or Lauren Blackburn at